This realisation was almost a code-red in my world, so I quickly whipped my mousey little self out into the world to pick up some new treats. Gotsa to be true to your own rules!
A new bag is as good as a holiday! I've had a few Saben bags in my time and this school-boy styled satchel is a great addition to the family.
Saben, Blake in Cognac.
Inside every good bags lives a beautiful purse. And Deadly Ponies certainly do create some of the loveliest ones I've come across.
Over-sized, intriguing cocktail rings are the way to go these days. The more the merrier too. I find it's also nice to combine a few coloured stones with some unusually shaped 70's style pieces too. Although, do remember - there's a time and a place for breaking out the jewels.
I picked up this Meadowlark work of genius from one of my favourite haunts Little Black Crown in St Kevin's Arcade on K'rd.
great drawing, could say it looks better then the photo :)